
November 29, 2023

Detalles sobre el formato de publicación disponible: PDF


ISBN-13 (15)


Detalles sobre el formato de publicación disponible: Impreso


ISBN-13 (15)


Dimensiones físicas

16cm x 21.5cm x 18.16mm

Detalles sobre el formato de publicación disponible: Archivo final epub

Archivo final epub

ISBN-13 (15)


Employee Ownership in the Americas: A Path to Shared Prosperity


Gonzalo Hernández Gutiérrez, Doctor; Rodrigo Zuloaga Fernández del Valle, Doctor; Michael Palmieri, Maestro; Chris Cooper; Joseph Blasi, Doctor; Douglas L. Kruse, Doctor; Dan Weltmann; Bill Nobles; Frank Shipper, Doctor; Frederick Freundlich, Doctor; Ion Lezeta Ruiz de Alegría, Maestro; Aitzol Loyola, Doctor; Maite Legarra , Doctora; Nicolas Aubert, Doctor; Miguel Cordova, Doctor; Diógenes Lagos Cortés, Doctor; Rolando Roncancio , Doctor; Gonzalo Hernández Gutiérrez; Mariana Comellini; Verónica Cortiñas; José Bayardo Pérez Arce, Doctor

Palabras clave:

sociedades en participación, economy, Finance, Commercial law, Shares, Share capital, Acquisition of ownership, Business model, strategic partnerships, partnerships, America, mutual-aid societies


Wealth inequality is one of the most pressing issues of our time. Broad-based business ownership that includes employees helps improve lives and creates a more dynamic economy. Throughout the book, the authors analyze and demonstrate how models of shared ownership can serve as building blocks towards shared prosperity and help counter the growing income disparity faced by many nations.

This book is a collaborative effort of academics, researchers, and professionals from US, Mexico, Peru, Argentina, France, Spain, and Colombia. These pages contribute to the construction of an economic democracy while promoting a movement that stimulates growth, strengthens businesses, contributes to improving wages and savings whilst dignifying workers and building social progress.

Employee Ownership in the Americas. A Path to Shared Prosperity was inspired by companies and entrepreneurs who favor the participation of employees in decision making and include them as owners, by non-profit organizations that promote employee ownership, and by the research and experience of several of its authors. The case studies presented demonstrate that broad-based employee ownership not only achieves better job performance in large companies and small businesses, but also aligns with other trends that are becoming the new normal, such as shared capitalism, corporate responsibility beyond shareholder primacy, and community wealth creation.


Biografía del autor/a

Gonzalo Hernández Gutiérrez, Doctor

Ph.D. in Advanced Management of Organizations and Social Economy from the University of Mondragon, Spain. Researcher and professor at ITESO, where he coordinates the Basic Academic Unit of Economics.

Rodrigo Zuloaga Fernández del Valle, Doctor

B.A. in International Trade from ITESO University. Founder of Centro de Capital Incluyente (

Michael Palmieri, Maestro

is program coordinator at the Ohio Employee Ownership Center (OEOC) and Fellow at the Rutgers Institute for the Study of Employee ownership and Profit Sharing.

Chris Cooper

has a degree in Political Science from Kent State University. He is the director of the Ohio Employee Ownership Center at Kent State University.

Joseph Blasi, Doctor

is J. Robert Beyster Distinguished Professor and director of the Institute for the Study of Employee Ownership and Profit Sharing at the School of Management and Labor Relations at Rutgers University.

Douglas L. Kruse, Doctor

holds a Ph.D. in Economics from Harvard University. He conducts econometric studies on employee ownership, profit sharing, disability, worker displacement, pensions, and wage differentials.

Dan Weltmann

is an assistant professor of Human Resources Management at Western Connecticut State University—The Ancell School of Business. His interests are in the areas of employee stock ownership, organizational behavior, and human resources management.

Bill Nobles

earned a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Mississippi. His 35-year career with Exxon Corporation ended as corporate vice president of Information Systems.

Frank Shipper, Doctor

earned a Ph.D. in Business from the University of Utah. He is a lecturer on employee ownership and an awarding-winning researcher. He has spoken to the Haier Group in China, at Oxford University on multiple
occasions, and at conferences throughout the United States.

Frederick Freundlich, Doctor

holds a doctorate in Education from Harvard University, Cambridge, United States. He is a researcher at the lanki Institute of Cooperative Studies, Faculty of Humanities and Education Science, and a professor at the Faculty of Business, Mondragon Unibertsitatea.

Ion Lezeta Ruiz de Alegría, Maestro

earned his master in Psychology from the National Distance-Learning University in Spain. He is a professor/researcher at the lanki Institute of Cooperative Studies, Faculty of Humanities and Education Science, Mondragon Unibertsitatea.

Aitzol Loyola, Doctor

PhD, did his doctoral work in Sociology at the University of the Basque Country in Leioa, The Basque Country, Spain. He is a professor/researcher at the lanki Institute of Cooperative Studies, Faculty of
Humanities and Education Science, Mondragon Unibertsitatea.

Maite Legarra , Doctora

PhD, earned her doctorate at the Faculty of Business, Mondragon Unibertsitatea in Oñati, the Basque Country, Spain. She is a professor/researcher at the Faculty of Business and coordinates and teaches in
its Masters in Strategic Talent Management,

Nicolas Aubert, Doctor

is a professor at Aix-Marseille University (France). He holds a PhD and accreditation to supervise research in management sciences.

Miguel Cordova, Doctor

is associate professor of the Management Department at Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. He holds a PhD in Strategic Management and Sustainability.

Diógenes Lagos Cortés, Doctor

has a Ph.D. in Administration Sciences from the National University of La Plata, Argentina. He is a researcher in the Family Businesses and Corporate Governance group at inalde Business School, Universidad de la Sabana, Colombia.

Rolando Roncancio , Doctor

is a Ph.D. in Government and the Culture of Organizations from the Institute of Business and Humanism of the University of Navarra, Spain. He is the rector of the University of La Sabana, Colombia.

Gonzalo Hernández Gutiérrez

Ph.D. in Advanced Management of Organizations and Social Economy from the University of Mondragon, Spain. Researcher and professor at ITESO, where he coordinates the Basic Academic Unit of Economics.

Mariana Comellini

graduated with a degree in Education Sciences from the National University of Quilmes. Scholarship researcher at the Cultural Center for Cooperation.

Verónica Cortiñas

graduated in Sociology from the University of Buenos Aires. Scholarship researcher at the Cultural Center for Cooperation.

José Bayardo Pérez Arce, Doctor

holds a master’s degree in Peace and Justice Studies from the University of San Diego, CA.